Join This Exclusive Community of Individuals Committed To Reversing Type 2 Diabetes And Maintaining A Flourishing Lifestyle!

Stop Existing And
Start Flourishing!

Introducing The Inner Circle:
An Exclusive Community of Brothers Committed To Growing Together
And WINNING In The Things That Matter!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
My name is Barbara Samuels, and for nearly thirty years as a registered nurse, I worked with countless individuals whose lives were drastically deteriorated due to Type 2 Diabetes and other debilitating diseases. I saw their pain, I heard their horror stories, I felt their hopelessness.

But it didn't truly hit home until my husband, a vibrant, active young man was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and I truly began to understand the frustrating, overwhelming burden of living with Type 2 Diabetes. 
Having lost his father at the age of 8, he was haunted by the thought of similarly not being around to see his children grow up because of this disease, and as his wife and nurse, I watched him get more depressed with each passing day as his condition worsened despite taking the medications that were prescribed and following his doctor's instructions.
I soon realized that the traditional path of managing this condition was not going to work for the love of my life, and the thought of being without my husband was scary. This led me to invest time, dedication, and love in developing and administering to him what I would eventually call the "Life Above Type 2 Diabetes" method based on the body's natural healing principles.

The results were unbelievable, and soon I saw a transformation that his doctors never imagined was possible. Being able to enjoy my husband again, seeing him vibrant and active in our kids' lives, and knowing that he is thriving despite his former Type 2 diagnosis was immensely satisfying, because I knew that there were scores of other people who suffered from this disease and could benefit from the same principles like my husband did.

So in faith, I abandoned my career as a registered nurse for a reputable hospital and invested time, dedication, and love in founding Living All Alive,
a health coaching program that has helped numerous individuals take back their lives from diseases like Type 2 diabetes and hypertension. One of the primary keys to the success we've brought about is a simple, yet often ignored principle:
As badly as you want to succeed in something,
God created us to bear each other's burdens, and thus true success in reviving and maintaining stellar health starts and ends with COMMUNITY...


In This  Community, You Will:

  • Receive hands-on coaching, courses, and other resources to guide you down the path towards reversing Type 2 diabetes for good
  • Adapt a healthy mindset that will break bad habits and increase vitality
  • ​Learn how to plan, prep, and cook healthy AND tasty meals
  • ​Thrive in an accountability group with other purpose-driven individuals who have the same goal as you



Your Testimonial Belongs Here!

Your Path To Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Starts Here!
Here's Everything You Get In Life Above Type 2:
  • ​12 Weekly Live Group Coaching Sessions 
  • ​In-Depth Course Suites 
  • ​​Weekly Challenges
  • Access to Guest Health Experts 
  • ​​Membership in Small Group Online Community 
  • ​Bonus 1: Books, Videos, & Resources
  • ​Bonus 2 (First 10): Access to Conference Recordings
  • ​Bonus 3: (First 5): Direct E-Mail Access To Me

    Only 7 Spots Available!

    Your Path To Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Starts Here!

    Group Coaching Sessions ($1,797 Value)

    A Good Coach Can Change A Game;
    A Great Coach Can Change A Life

    Get live group coaching with me every week for interactive, tailored guidance on following and persevering in the path towards reversing Type 2 Diabetes. These sessions are where the most growth occurs in the program as individuals are able to get transparent about their challenges, talk out issues and concerns within a safe space, and learn not only from me but from each other's experiences.
    In-Depth Course Suites
    ($797 Value)

    Don't Just Dream Of Better Health, Train For It!

    From your portal (accessible via desktop or a mobile app), you'll have access to revolutionary video courses and accompanying digital workbooks with premium content to help you shift your perspective on your health, diet, and physical regiment.

    • Spirituality
    • Health and Wellness
    • Integrity
    • Family: Marriage and Parenting (2 courses)
    • Tribe
    Weekly Challenges
    ($197 Value)

    If You Wanna Fly, Hang Out With Eagles!

    There's something therapeutic about like-minded, purpose-driven men hanging out together, and in this socially distant new normal, the need to connect has never been greater nor more vital for our mental health. 

    If you've enjoyed Men's Night with MyRon, these monthly meetups are like Men's Night on steroids! Every month, we'll have a closed Zoom session that will be an interactive safe space for us men to hang out together and: 

    • Share experiences and perspectives
    • Interact live and learn from one another
    • ​​Find healing together
    Access to Guest Health Experts
    ($997 Value)

    Your Network Is Your Net Worth!

    Every other Wednesday, we'll have a virtual "Networking Power Lunch" video call with interactive presentations from guest experts on how to win in practical areas of our lives, including:

    • Finances: Investing, real estate, debt management, business building
    • Marriage: Improving existing relationships, overcoming divorce, and getting prepared for marriage or re-marriage
    • Goal-Setting & Time Management: Being more effective in careers, balancing numerous responsibilities, and thriving in work and school environments instead of simply getting by
    • Breaking Addictions: Practical strategies for overcoming sexual and substance addictions and replacing them with healthy habits 
    • ​And much more!

    This will be a space not only to gain valuable information that can help you succeed but also a spot to share your specific expertise with the other brothers and capitalize on invaluable networking opportunities with your tribe!

    Membership in Small Group Online Community 
    ($347 Value)

    Alone, We Can Do So Little; Together, We Can Do So Much!

    In the private Facebook group (which is separate from the general 5 Ways Men Can Win group for conference registrants), we'll build upon the progress we make during the mastermind coaching sessions, weekly power-up calls, and monthly meetups: 

    • Receive tips from me related to specific topics addressed in our group
    • ​Get transparent in a space that may be less intimidating than a "live" space 
    • ​Build long-lasting relationships that foster transformative growth 
    Weekly Power-Up Accountability Calls
    ($897 Value)

    Accountability Is The Glue That Bridges Commitment And Results

    Every Monday morning, we'll have a video call that will energize you and prepare you to win in the upcoming week. In these calls, you'll have the opportunity to:

    • Get nuggets of wisdom from presenters that are experts in their field 
    • Receive challenges for specific areas of winning that you'll carry out that week
    • Interact with and encourage the other brothers on the online chat
    • ​Hold each other accountable from week to week
    Bonus: Books, Videos, & Resources
    ($97 Value)
    (Winning Circle Gold & Silver Only!)

    If You Don't Know Where You're Going, Any Road Will Take You There!

    Everything in The Winning Circle is designed and executed with purpose and direction. You'll receive checklists, scorecards, assessments, and other resources within the growth curriculum we have created for you with the objective of giving you SMART goals and benchmarks in various aspects of your life that are:

    • Specific, tangible, and practical
    • Measurable so that you can gauge your progress
    • Ambitious yet Attainable, challenging you to push yourself to reasonable limits
    • Relevant, where you focus on the most impactful areas of potential growth
    • Time-bound for accountability in completing tasks before a set date
    Bonus: Lifetime Access To Coaching Session Recordings
    ($297 Value)
    First 10 Registrants Only!

    If you attended the 2020 and 2021 Men's "5 Ways Men Can Win" Conferences, you know both were life-changing on an unimaginable level, and the content from all of the speakers was too rich and dense to consume in one session. There were so many unearthed golden nuggets of ground-breaking information that it was impossible to capture them all the first time around.

    We had some phenomenal presentations from dynamic speakers including:

    • Jeremy Anderson
    • ​Ronnie Vanderhorst
    • ​Eric Thomas
    • ​Debleaire Snell
    • ​Dr. Wesley Knight
    • ​Dr. Jason O'Rourke
    • ​Nathaniel Drew
    • ​Freddie Russell
    • ​Calvin Roberson

    If, God forbid, you missed either conference, you've been kicking yourself every time another brother tells you how phenomenal it was!

    Either way, we've got you covered on the rewatch with lifetime access to both conferences! That's over 6 hours of exclusive content that you couldn't get for free once the conferences end - but we're including it for members of The Winning Circle.

    Bonus: Direct E-Mail Access To Me
    ($397 Value)
    First 5 Registrants Only!

    For those highly devoted Sabbath School enthusiasts who truly want to develop their spiritual gift of teaching in a way that regularly transforms lives in their class, you'll have the opportunity to have direct e-mail access to me and receive a response within 24 hours.

    By God's grace, I'll able to help you get on track with specific guidance in taking your personal ministry (which is what every good facilitator has) to unprecedented heights. If you're truly all-in on reaching souls for Christ through your Sabbath School class, I'll make it my personal commitment to help you succeed!

    Whether in person or via cyberspace, I love working one-on-one with fellow laborers for Christ!


    Here's Everything You Get In 
    Life Above Type 2 Diabetes Wellness Program:
    Do I have to have a Facebook account to join?
    No. We do have a private, members-only Facebook group for those in which we share our celebrations and our challenges throughout the program. However, you can watch and participate in the group coaching calls via Zoom as well as access the courses and other digital resources in the membership site. Thus, the Facebook group is a benefit, but it’s only one component of everything that Life Above Type 2 has to offer.
    How soon will I have access to the community and resources once I join?
    Immediately! Upon registering, you'll receive an e-mail from with login information for the membership portal (accessible via desktop or mobile) and instructions on how to explore all of the resources included in the program. You'll also get a link to join the Facebook group, and those requests are generally approved within minutes. If you don't receive this information, please send us an email at and we will resend you your login details.
    When are the LIVE Group Coaching Calls and how can I be a part of them?
    The live group coaching calls will take place on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm EST for 12 weeks.
    What are the payment options to join this program?
    We have pre-built and custom payment options available that make the program doable for anyone serious about drastically improving their health.
    What if I can't make the LIVE group coaching calls?
    We understand that everyone won't be able to make it every week at the scheduled time of 7 pm EST on Tuesdays. We will record the calls and put the recordings inside of the course portal for you to watch them when you are able to.
    What are all the things I need to be a part of each week?
    We will only have one LIVE activity each week - our Group Coaching Calls on Tuesdays at 7 pm EST.
    Each week, we will release a special course video on Monday morning. You can watch it at your own pace.
    How long do I have access to the courses in this program?
    You have unlimited access to the courses and recordings in this program.
    I registered but did not receive emails. What should I do?
    All emails are sent to the email address you registered with and come from Search your email inboxes including spam, junk, and promotions tabs for emails from that email address. Please add us to your email contacts or whitelist and you should be able to get our emails going forward coming to your main inbox.

    How many people have you worked with in the past and how has your program helped them?
    We have worked with more than 100 individuals through individual and group presentations. Overall, they have experienced lower hemoglobin A1C, lower of blood glucose levels, weight loss, and drastic reduction and elimination of medications. Some individuals have had reversal and removal of medication within 3 months, some take a little longer based on their unique condition. However, all of my students have started living life above Type 2 diabetes. 
    How do you handle refund requests?
    We'll offer a full refund less a 5% processing fee 48 hours before the start of the first class. No refunds are given after the start of the program.

    © Living All Alive. 2023. All Rights Reserved.